Rocket TPG
Name Rocket TPG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Mary Elder
Breeder Priscilla Price
Gender Male
Father Timothy - Mosaic - TPG
Mother Bunny - mosaic TPG
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 01/15/2015
Color Mosaic
Remarks White Platinum Colored Mosaic 50% Leucistic Het
Inbred percentage 0.7705 %
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
CamdenP~RSSG* 12/18/2015 Mosaic
SonnieM~RSSG* 12/18/2015 Classic Grey
Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Beatrix - Mosaic - TPG 08/26/17 Mosaic 63% leu
Cottontail - Mosaic - TPG 04/12/17 Mosaic 63% leu
Rocket - 01/15/2015 RSSG 01/15/2015 Mosaic
Stark 01/20/2014 Classic Grey
Timothy & Bunny FOS - TPG MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Timothy & Bunny Offspring - TPG MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Added by CindyJ. SchultzRSSG1
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree