tp briggs
Name tp briggs (click to view pedigree)
Owner holmes joshua
Breeder Dianne Kieffer
Gender Male
Father Heartlands Noah
Mother Heartlands Annie
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 05/12/2015
Color Creme-ino
Inbred percentage 5.3905 %
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Purdy Gandor 08/28/2016 Creme-ino
Brothers and sisters
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Heartlands Ali 05/26/2015 Creme-ino Mosaic
Heartlands Im All That 01/2/2015 Creme-ino Mosaic WF 25% Leu and Albino Het
Heartlands Jody 08/01/2015 Creme-ino Mosaic
Heartlands Katarina 09/03/2016 Mosaic 100% Cremino Het
Heather MM/DD/YYYY Creme-ino Mosaic
Added by josh2012
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree