OFG Rufina - RSSG
Name OFG Rufina - RSSG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Cindy Schultz(1)
Breeder Lynn Tichy
Gender Female
Father OFG Blu
Mother OFG Presley
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 04/04/2015
Color Red/Brown Series
Inbred percentage 0.7003 %
12 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Kiwi (Resa) 11/28/2016 Strawberry 50% plat/leu het, 50% cremino het. Red color and garnet eyes indicate 100% cremino.
OFG Arriba 03/08/2016 Platinum Garnet Eyes, 50% Cremino het, 50% plat/lue het
OFG Astrid MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey 66% cream, 66% plat/leu
OFG Cinder 03/08/2016 Classic Grey Garnet Eyes, 50% Cremino het, 50% plat/lue het
OFG Rhoux~RSSG* 09/17/2016 Strawberry 100% plat (proven), 50% leu het, 50% cremino het. Red color and garnet eyes indicate 100% cremino
OFG Rhowen~RSSG* 09/17/2016 Strawberry 100% plat (proven), 50% leu het, 50% cremino het. Red color and garnet eyes indicate 100% cremino
OFG Safyre 12/01/2015 Red/Brown Series Garnet Eyes
Ozzy JBNC 01/03/2018 Red Platinum 50% cremino 25% leu/plat
Resa Kiezer MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey Has garnet eyes. 50% cremino 50% leu or plat hets.
Ruby~RSSG* 05/10/2018 Mosaic
Trybal~RSSG* 08/28/2017 Strawberry 50% plat/leu het, 50% cremino het. red color and garnet eyes indicate 100% cremino het
Trynity~RSSG* 08/28/2017 Strawberry 50% plat/leu het, 100% cremino het proven. red color and garnet eyes indicate 100% cremino het
Brothers and sisters
14 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
OFG Bonnie Madonna 01/10/2016 White Face
OFG Cabernet~RSSG* 12/30/2016 Red 50% plat/leu het, 50% cremino het. Red color and garnet eyes indicate 100% cremino
OFG Ellsworth MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
OFG Flynn 01/10/2016 Red/Brown Series
OFG Grace Cindy Shultz 05/20/2017 Classic Grey Pretty chocolate coloring from dad
OFG Hope Cindy Shultz 05/20/2017 Classic Grey Pretty chocolate tones from dads lines
OFG Mercury MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
OFG MOOSHI 11/30/2019 Classic Grey 100% PLAT
OFG Natasha MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey 100% plat het
OFG Olivia 07/27/2018 Classic Grey Plat & Creamino Het
OFG Saffron 04/08/2018 Mosaic Ringtail 100% plat het
OFG Sedona 04/08/2018 Classic Grey 100% plat het
OFG Stella SB 07/08/2019 White Face
Royale - RSSG (Resa) ONLY ENTRY ALLOWED PER BREEDER 04/04/2015 Strawberry Chocolate colored rt mosaic. 100% plat or leu proven with plat offspring, 50% cremino hets. Garnet eyes and red color indicate 100% cremino het. Pied and Cedar lines.
Added by Lynn
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree