Melisandre (KNG)
Name Melisandre (KNG) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Krystal Nichols
Breeder Krystal Nichols
Gender Female
Father Matt Murdock (KNG)
Mother Elektra (KNG)
OOP Date 11/13/2015
Color Ruby Leu
Genetics Platino or "Ruby Plat" (platinum/cremino) 50% leu het
Remarks From pied lines. Possible Mosaic, possible WF.
Inbred percentage 2.3858 %
Brothers and sisters
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Ivy (KNG) 04/16/2016 Creme-ino Cremino Mosaic, 66-50% plat/leu het
Added by LNichols
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree