Finity SMS
Name Finity SMS (click to view pedigree)
Owner Shauna Sidnam
Breeder Terri Stein
Gender Female
Father Artic
Mother Eema
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 11/26/2014
Color Platinum
Genetics 100 % Leu Het, TPM (True Platinum Mosaic)
Remarks White Face
Inbred percentage 2.6535 %
Brothers and sisters
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Ailia (CnCSuggies) 07/09/2013 Leucistic
Arrow-ADE 07/9/14 Platinum 100% leu/plat het
GBB Xanti MM/DD/YYYY Platinum 100% leucistic het, possibly a TPM (True Platinum Mosaic)
HHT Whiskey Lullaby 06/03/2014 Platinum Platinum and 100% Leucistic het
Sandayu 03/09/2014 Leucistic possible mosaic
Added by Shauna
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree