Nomi/Nova ~Ness
Name Nomi/Nova ~Ness (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Unknown
Gender Female
Father Hellion SS
Mother Double Dutch Twins
Picture Unknown
Color Classic Grey
Genetics Both sisters have proven 100% cino/100% leu
Remarks Twins paired in a trio. Both are greys and both have had ruby leu joeys.
Inbred percentage 2.4841 %
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Atossa~Ness 03/01/2017 Mosaic Piebald 66%cremino 100% leu het
Daario HSHSG MM/DD/YYYY Leucistic 66% cremino
Jacintha~Ness 04/12/2017 Mosaic Piebald 66% cino 100% leu from red line. She is a wf pied
Jasmine (DDG) Ness 08/24/15 Creme-ino Creamino Mosaic, 66% het leu sister is a Ruby leu.
Nomi Trio MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Seraphine ~Ness MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic Piebald 66% cremeino, 66% leu. Parents have made a ruby leu, leu and paradox cremeino mosaic.
Wicked~Ness 05/09/2015 Ruby Leu cino and leu expressed
Brothers and sisters
8 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
GBG Double Mint MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey 100% leu, 66% cremeino, one of the twins is a heterochromia
GBG Helium MM/DD/YYYY Creme-ino 100% leu
Hellion & The Double Dutch Twins MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
LZ Pennington (Resa) MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey 100% leu, 100% cremino het proven, 25% albino het.
Mister Iven 05/29/2015 Creme-ino 100%leu 33%albino
Mystery SS MM/DD/YYYY Platinum 100% leu/25% cino
Resa Mystery 03/29/2014 Red Platinum 100% cremino het proven, 100% leu, 25% albino hets. Red toned accents with garnet eyes.
SSS Torah MM/DD/YYYY Red/Brown Series
Added by finnessa
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree