Name Berta (click to view pedigree)
Owner Paula Hologuera Roman
Breeder Abel Brualla Royo
Gender Female
Father Bruno (Abel Brualla)
Mother Dorothy (Abel Brualla)
OOP Date 11/03/2014
Color Classic Grey
Genetics his father is platinum with pedigree his mother is albino
Remarks 100% albin het 100% platinum-leucistic het
Inbred percentage 0 %
Brothers and sisters
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Anuk - LBdP 11/03/2014 Classic Grey 100% albino, 100% platinium-leucistic y 25% cremino
Briseida 02/09/2016 White Faced Blonde 100% platinum het 100% albino het 50% leucistic het
Dic - ABR 11/03/2014 Classic Grey his father is platinum with pedigree his mother is albino
Hulk 12/13/2016 White Faced Blonde 100% Albino het, 100% leucistic het, 100% cremeino
Pipo 12/13/2016 White Faced Blonde Albino het 100% platinum het 100% /leucistic het 50%
Rocky- ABR 03/24/2015 White Faced Blonde 100% het for platinum 100% het fot albino 100% het for white faced blonde 50% het for leucistic
Sison- ABR 03/05/2015 White Faced Blonde 100% het for platinum 100% het fot albino 100% het for white faced blonde 50% het for leucistic
Added by Abel (Lluis)
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree