Zhaan SPG
Name Zhaan SPG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Patricia Niznik
Breeder Angela Ernst
Gender Female
Father Silver ADE
Mother Silvia ADE
OOP Date 06/24/14
Color Mosaic
Genetics white mosaic feet with separate white tip genetics confirmed 100% plat possible leu het
Remarks formally known as momo
Inbred percentage 3.4698 %
21 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Adrian 11/04/2015 Mosaic Ringtail 100% leu het, 50% plat het, white face, white tip.
Apollo- pet only 09/05/2016 Ringtail Ringtail 100% leu or plat 50% albino
Appa/Momo Test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Archer Pet Only 03/06/2015 White Face
Ares-pet only home 09/05/2016 Platinum True platinum mosaic 100% leu 50% Albino
Azula spg 06/30/2016 Platinum Tpm 100% leu het White face White tip genes
Baron spg 11/27/2017 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic He will breed out white face 50% of the time with any female He will breed out mosaic 50% of the time with any female Beside being platinum he is also 100% Leu. All babies will either carrier those genes or be plat or leu depending on who he is bred out
Cronos spg 06/22/2017 Classic Grey 100% leu or plat
Diana SPG 06/22/2017 Mosaic Ringtail 100% leu or plat white face
Franklin Pet Only 07/04/2015 White Face
Griffin spg 03/25/2017 White Face 100% leu or plat
Hydra-pet only 02/12/2016 Platinum 100% leu
Karma 11/03/2015 Mosaic 100% het leu, 50% het plat, white tip.
maggie sigmon 02/12/2016 Classic Grey 100% leu or plat
Mai spg 07/01/2016 Platinum Tpm White face 100% leu het White tip lines
Mars SPG 12/14/2016 Classic Grey 100% leu or plat
Merlin spg 03/25/2017 Ringtail 100% leu or plat White face
Milo spg 11/27/2017 Platinum White face 100%leu White tip carrier
Montana Julius MSSG 07/08/2015 Ringtail 100%leu possible white tip, inconclusive due to ringtail (mom and previous joey are both white tip)
Vulcan SPG 12/14/2016 Platinum 100% leu
Waffles BHSG - True Platinum Mosaic 03/06/2015 Mosaic 100% Het for leu, white tip and white face Will pass down 100% mosaic and platinum
Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Daisy ADE 6/24/14 Mosaic white feet and tip of tail. 100% leu/plat het.
Daisy2 ADE 07/09/2015 Classic Grey
Luna ADE 10/20/2013 Platinum Platinum Mosaic
Micheal ADE MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey platinum het or leu het
Oddy 04/03/2014 White Face
Silver ADE/ Silvia ADE Joey MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey 100% plat het
Added by Sam Franz
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree