Willow - LBdP
Name Willow - LBdP (click to view pedigree)
Owner Paula Hologuera Roman
Breeder Unknown
Gender Female
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 01/14/2014
Color White Face
Remarks Intense white
Inbred percentage At least both parents need to be known to do an inbreeding calculation.
12 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Airin - LBdP 07/29/2017 Mosaic 100% leucistico - platinium het
Ampersand - LBdP 07/07/2015 White Faced Blonde 100% platinium - leucistico het
Anakin - LBdP 10/11/2015 Mosaic 100% leucistic - platinium het, from piebald line
Hembra ancestral (Pumuky X Willow) 50% leu/plat 02/16/2016 Classic Grey 50% leu/plat
Icabob - LBdP 03/11/2015 Mosaic Piebald 100% plat- leu het
Lady - LBdP 03/11/2015 Classic Grey 100% plat - leu het
Lolita - LBdP 02/16/2016 Classic Grey 100% leucistic - platinium het
Mosaic Female Pumuky & Willow - LBdP 02/16/2016 Mosaic 100% leu - plat het
Pana - LBdP 03/12/2017 Mosaic 100% leucistic - platinium het
Wfb 2 Male Pumuky & Willow - LBdP 09/10/2015 White Face 100% leucistic - platinium, from piebald line
Wfb male - LBdP 11/10/2017 White Faced Blonde 100% leucistico - platinium het
Winchy - LBdP 03/11/2018 Classic Grey 100% leucistico - platinium het
Brothers and sisters
Added by Paula Holguera Roman
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree