Baby Ruth (GM)
Name Baby Ruth (GM) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Georgia Martin
Gender Female
Father Sampson (GM)
Mother Lula Rose (GM)
OOP Date 06/11/2014
Color Classic Grey
Genetics Baby Ruth is 100% Leu Het. She has a twin Leucistic brother and her Mom is Leucistic. Her father is a proven WF 100% Leu Het.
Inbred percentage 0 %
Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Gabe (GM) and Toby (GM) 09/16/2014 Classic Grey Gabe has a twin brother. Mom is Leucistic and Dad is a proven 100% Leu Het.
Jo Jo (GM) 01/01/2015 Black Beauty He is 100% Leu Let. His Mom is Leucistic. Father is a proven WFB 100% Leu Het.
Snickers (GM) 06/11/2014 Leucistic Snickers has a twin 100% Leu Het sister. His Mom is Leucistic and Dad is 100% proven Leu Het.
Toby (GM) 09/16/2014 Classic Grey Mom is Leucistic and Dad is a proven 100% Leu Het. He has a twin brother.
Yang (GM) 04/12/2015 Leucistic Father is a proven 100% Leu Het and Mom is Leucistic. Twins run in the family; Yang has a twin Leucistic sister named Yen (GM).
Yen (GM) 04/12/2015 Leucistic Father is a proven 100% Leu Het. Mom is Leucistic
Added by Georgia Martin
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree