Moondust Phelps ALB
Name Moondust Phelps ALB (click to view pedigree)
Owner rachel phelps
Breeder Amy Bednar
Gender Female
Father Moonshine
Mother Stardust
Picture Unknown
Color Platinum
Genetics Snow Leopard
Inbred percentage 0.0934 %
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Camilla Phelps 3/20/2015 Mosaic Piebald 50% leu.
Clyde Phelps MM/DD/YYYY Platinum 100%leu
Giacometti/Moondust Test joey MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Muffy Phelps 11/17/2015 Platinum snow leopard
Riddick (nikkis babies ) 07/20/2014 Platinum 50% cremino, 50%leu
Brothers and sisters
11 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Ali ALB YYYY/MM/DD Platinum
Bruno ALB 12/27/2011 Platinum
Dust -ALB 10/01/2013 Platinum 100%het for Leu
Icey Phelps ALB 02/14/2013 Leucistic
Inara 2011 Leucistic Platinum lines
Kahlua - ALB 02/12/2014 Platinum 100%leu het
Maui - ALB 12/27/2011 Leucistic Leucistic
Sterling ALB 02/14/2013 Leucistic
Sugar ALB YYYY/MM/DD Platinum
Trevors MoJo-JoJo Phelps 10/01/2013 Leucistic 50% Het for silverbell platinum
Zophar Phelps 10/01/2013 Platinum 100%leu.het
Added by rachel ann phelps
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree