Jellybean (GFF)
Name Jellybean (GFF) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Tracy Garland
Gender Male
Father Bubbles (Tracy Garland)
Mother Betty (GFF)
OOP Date 10/23/2013
Color Mosaic
Genetics with a White Tail (50% Leu Het, 3% Plat Het)
Remarks From producing sterile line.
Inbred percentage 2.7393 %
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Flitt (GFF) Tourmatine (Janet Busick) Test Joey MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Buffy 02/18/2015 White Face 50% Leu het, 3% Plat het
Gabby (GFF) 10/23/2013 White Face 50% Leu Het, 3% Plat Het
Mookie (GFF) 05/07/2014 Black Beauty
Tacito (GFF) 11/01/2014 White Face 50% Leu het, 3% Plat het
Tuf (GFF) 02/22/2014 Mosaic
Tukki FS 05/07/2014 Mosaic
Added by Tracy Garland
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree