Felix (GM)
Name Felix (GM) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Georgia Martin
Breeder Unknown
Gender Male
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
OOP Date 12/25/2011
Color White Faced Blonde
Genetics Felix and Fife are both proven 100% heterozygous Leu Hets; they have produced many Leucistic joeys together.
Inbred percentage At least both parents need to be known to do an inbreeding calculation.
10 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Cricket (GM) 03/23/2015 Leucistic Parents are proven heterozygous 100% Leu Hets. They have had several Leucistic joeys.
Ginger (GM) 07/04/2015 Classic Grey Ginger is 100% Leu Het. Parents are proven heterozygous 100% Leu Hets. They have had several Leucistic joeys.
Jiminy (GM) 03/23/15 White Faced Blonde Parents are both proven 100% heterozygous Leu Hets; they have produced many Leucistic joeys together.
Lula Rose (GM) 12/25/2012 Leucistic Both parents are white face blondes and proven 100% heterozygous Leu Hets; they have produced many Leucistic joeys.
Rusty (GM) 11/20/2014 Classic Grey Both parents are white face blondes and proven 100% heterozygous Leu Hets; they have produced many Leucistic joeys.
Snow Baby (GM) 02/08/2014 Leucistic Both parents are white face blondes and proven 100% heterozygous Leu Hets; they have produced many Leucistic joeys.
Snow Bella (GM) 12/25/2012 Leucistic Both parents are white face blondes and proven 100% heterozygous Leu Hets; they have produced many Leucistic joeys.
Spook (GM) 10/31/2013 Leucistic Both parents are white face blondes and proven 100% heterozygous Leu Hets; they have produced many Leucistic joeys.
Tinkerbell (GM) 08/06/2014 Leucistic Both parents are white face blondes and proven 100% heterozygous Leu Hets; they have produced many Leucistic joeys.
Zeus (GM) 07/12/2013 White Faced Blonde Both parents are white face blondes and proven 100% heterozygous Leu Hets; they have produced many Leucistic joeys.
Brothers and sisters
Added by Georgia Martin
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree