Smores GNW
Name Smores GNW (click to view pedigree)
Owner Connie Kelly
Breeder Matthew Compton
Gender Female
Father Angelo
Mother Sydney GNW
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 2013/03/26
Color Platinum
Genetics True Platinum Mosaic 100% leu het
Remarks True Platinum Minimally marked mosaic. WF girl. One small mosaic spot on shoulder blades below WF halo. Very minimally marked.
Inbred percentage 2.5623 %
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Dreamer CGG 01/26/2014 Mosaic Mosaic 100% plat het possible 66% leu het from double pied lines.
Inigo 10/06/2014 Platinum Platinum from  pied lines 66% leu het
Jayla TKC MM/DD/YYYY Leucistic
Lollipop - SFG 07/13/2014 Mosaic TPM 100% het leu (proven; has produced both plat and leu). Non-Athena, non-sterile lines.
Robin LA 01/23/2015 Mosaic White mosaic 100% leu het (possible mocistic...he was born pure white and developed ear coloring at about 6-7 weeks) Pied lines
snicker/smores test joey MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Brothers and sisters
10 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Athena GNW 2012/10/27 Platinum
Celestia GNW 2012/01/27 Platinum Platinum White Face 100% Leu Het
Eira 05/23/2014 Leucistic
Enkidu MM/DD/YYYY Platinum Very high white platinum mosaic
Gilgamesh MM/DD/YYYY Platinum High white platinum mosaic
Karoessa GNW 05/23/2013 Platinum True Platinum Mosaic from original Platinum Mosaic line. 100% leu het
Mino DSG 2013/01/29 Platinum True Platinum Mosaic from True Platinum Mosaic father and Leucistic mother. Original TPM line.
Perseus GNW 2012/07/19 Platinum True Platinum Mosaic, WF, 100% Leu het
sydney x angelo (Test) YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
Thanatos MM/DD/YYYY Platinum True Platinum Mosaic
Added by Stacy DeMartelaere
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree