Mr. Kite (Fuzzy Wonderland)
Name Mr. Kite (Fuzzy Wonderland) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Jessica Fuzzy Wonderland
Breeder Jessica Fuzzy Wonderland
Gender Male
Father Twinkie (CrystalMartin)
Mother Tiramisu(CrystalMartin)
OOP Date 2012/11/21
Color Classic Grey
Genetics 50% leu het
Remarks 9th gen now producing non sterile, from previously sterile line
Inbred percentage 0.8209 %
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Father McKenzie 07/05/2013 Classic Grey 25% leu het, 10th gen now producing non sterile, from previously sterile line
Honey Pie (Fuzzy Wonderland) 10/24/2013 Black Beauty
McGill (AKA Lil, Nancy) (Fuzzy Wonderland) 11/04/2013 Black Beauty 25% leu het
Rigby (Fuzzy Wonderland) 06.29.2013 Black Beauty 25% leu het, 10th gen now producing non sterile, from previously sterile line
Zoey Musgrave 06/29/2012 Classic Grey 25% leu het, 10th gen now producing non sterile, from previously sterile line
Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Brulee(CrystalMartin) 2012/05/31 White Face 50% leu het
Deja/Tulip(CrystalMartin) 2012/08/21 White Face 50% leu het
Izzy(CrystalMartin 03/06/2013 White Face 50% leu het from sterile line that now consistently produces non sterile gliders.
Juno (Fuzzy Wonderland) 2012/02/25 White Faced Blonde
Mirage(CrystalMartin) 03/06/2013 Mosaic
Vu(CrystalMartin) 2012/08/21 Classic Grey 50% leu het. Possible black beauty.
Added by Jessica
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree