Name Nymphadora (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Terri Stein
Gender Female
Father Articus
Mother Padme
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 2013/01/27
Color Mosaic
Remarks Tpm plat het Danielle Hummelmeier STILL OWES ME FOR HER!! REFUSES TO GIVE HER BACK OR PAY ME!!
Inbred percentage 1.239 %
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Blacky Black 03/20/2015 Black Beauty
Kilyan 12/10/2014 Ringtail bb 62% leu 50% plat
Mosaic Twist 03/20/2015 Mosaic
Onyx hssg 10/24/2013 Mosaic TPM 100% leu
Severus 03/18/2014 Mosaic 100% leu/plat 100% creme 25% albino
tehya/rylynn balbo test joey LP MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Brothers and sisters
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Alodar 2012/10/12 Leucistic Proven to be mosaic!
Amarni SGG 2012/07/06 Mosaic 100% plat het
Epsilon 2012/03/26 Platinum Silverbelle Platinum 100% Luc. Het
MSG Cashmere 2012/03/24 Platinum 50% Leu Het
Padme Articus plat boy YYYY/MM/DD Platinum 100% leu het
Rylynn LP 01/27/2013 Mosaic white mosaic 100% leu het
Silvia ADE 10/12/1012 Mosaic Mosaic, 100% leu het or 100% platinum het
Added by suggiesforyou
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree