Name Snow-SK (click to view pedigree)
Owner Shay Kerby
Breeder Laura Dorzok
Gender Female
Father Billy SGG
Mother Breezee SGG
OOP Date 2012/06/15
Color Leucistic
Inbred percentage 0.6904 %
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Baby Snow-SK 02/18/2015 Leucistic PET ONLY, NO BREEDING RIGHTS
Bailey - SK MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic 100 Leu
Bailey-CSS 01/07/2018 Mosaic
Boo-SK 10/13/2014 Mosaic 100% Leu Het
Cruisersgg 08/08/2013 Mosaic 100% leu het, White Face
Mason 01/02/2014 White Face 100% Leu het
Pikachu 05/19/2014 Leucistic 50% plat het
Brothers and sisters
20 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Bayatrix 03/01/2013 Leucistic
Breezeeleumossgg 11/22/2014 Leucistic Mosaic Cow ears
breezeeleusgg 11/22/2014 Leucistic
breezeeplatsgg 11/09/2013 Leucistic
breezeerttpmboysgg 04/01/2015 Platinum Ring Tail Mosaic, 100% leu het
Chaos 11/09/2013 Mosaic True Platinum mosaic 100% Leu Het
Cleo~JD 2012/10/20 Leucistic
Duchess 2012/06/15 Platinum 100% Leu Het
Ekko 2013/03/01 Platinum 100% leu het
Estella 2013/03/01 Leucistic
Havana (Sgc) 11/16/2014 Platinum TPM ringtail
Kingston 4/1/2015 Platinum mosaic 100% leu
leuboysgg 09/01/2014 Leucistic
leugirlsgg1 09/01/2014 Leucistic
Seb JBNC 04/01/2015 Platinum 100 % Leu Het
Tiberius 2012/10/20 Platinum 100% Leu het
Vega 02/16/2017 Platinum
Venus 02/16/2017 Platinum
Voodoo KKL SGG 03/10/2018 Platinum 100% Leu Het
`Nancys Clyde 07/25/2013 Platinum 100% Leu het
Added by pedigree admin
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree