Argent (E.S.G.)
Name Argent (E.S.G.) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Annette Zove
Breeder David Watkins
Gender Male
Father Hiho MGW&M
Mother Molly (ret)
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 2012/01/17
Color Classic Grey
Genetics 100% leu het
Inbred percentage 0.3662 %
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
(E.S.G.) Puff/Argent test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
(E.S.G.) Puff/Argent test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
chancy x Argent female test joey YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
Cruz (E.S.G.) MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey 100% albino het/33% leu het
Dallie - MGW&M/CnC 2012/07/23 Classic Grey 100% Albino het, 50% leu het, 33% plat het
Hisao (E.S.G.) 03/20/2012 Classic Grey 100% albino het, 33%leu het
Sophie (Cora) 07/23/12 Classic Grey 100% Albino Het, 50% Leu Het, 50% Plat Het
Brothers and sisters
11 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Cocoa Blanc (Bourbon) 2012/06/23 Leucistic
Comit Hiho TCG MM/DD/YYYY White Faced Blonde proven H plat het
Doe - MGW&M/CnC (RB) 2012/09/10 Leucistic possible wf
Drama (Nikki) 2012/04/10 Classic Grey 100% Leu het
hiho x molly test baby female YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
king (cobb) 2012/06/23 Classic Grey 100% leu het
Platino (Bourbon) 2011/05/15 Classic Grey 100% leu het
Silver (cora) 2011/09/20 Classic Grey
Sky High- Leucistic - TPG 2011/05/11 Leucistic
Titan 2012/1/17 Leucistic
Willow (MP) 12/22/2012 Leucistic
Added by davidw
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree