HSG Meep
Name HSG Meep (click to view pedigree)
Owner Tyler Cleckley
Breeder Cathy Hart of Hartland Sugar Gliders
Gender Female
Father GBG Mesquite - Leucistic
Mother GBG Zenon - Mosaic
Picture Unknown
Color White Faced Blonde
Genetics 100% Leu Het
Inbred percentage 0.7812 %
9 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
HSG Fester 05/23/2016 White Faced Blonde Leu Het
HSG Shush 09/17/2011 Leucistic
HSG Sonny MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
HSG Whisper 09/17/2011 Leucistic
HSG Willie MM/DD/YYYY White Faced Blonde 100% Leu Het
HSG Wrangles 2012/04/30 Leucistic
Whisper 2011/09/17 Leucistic
Willow 2012/04/30 Leucistic
Winnie 06/15/2013 Classic Grey 100% Leu Het
Brothers and sisters
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Desiree - White Face Blonde - TPG 2009/04/26 White Faced Blonde 100% Leu Het
GBG Momo YYYY/MM/DD Mosaic 100% het for Leu
GBG Pine YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey 100% Leu het
WSG Oakley- Mosaic 2009/04/26 Mosaic 100% het for Leucistic
Zippy YYYY/MM/DD White Faced Blonde 100% leucistic het
Added by Cathy Hart
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree