Evan - SSG
Name Evan - SSG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Kinue Berry
Breeder Sugar and Sunshine Gliders
Gender Male
Father Peanut
Mother Lydia
OOP Date 2007/08/29
Color White Face
Genetics Poss WT Het
Inbred percentage 0 %
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Baby - SSG 2010/07/06 Classic Grey From 1st Gen WFB and 2+ Gen WFB/WT Het parents. Possible WT Het.
Chiquita - SSG 2008/04/26 White Tip 2nd Gen WF/WT
Dax - SSG 2008/09/18 White Face 2nd Gen WF/Poss WT Het
GBG Kinue Test YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
Kaia - SSG 2008/09/18 White Face 2nd Gen WF/Poss WT Het
Phoenix - SSG 2008/04/26 White Tip 2nd Gen WF/WT
Sahara - SSG 2009/01/01 White Face 2nd Gen WF/Poss WT Het
Brothers and sisters
Added by matchmakersmagic
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree