Delila Downard
Name Delila Downard (click to view pedigree)
Owner Sara Kilgore-Downard
Breeder Teresa Dancing
Gender Female
Father Viking Haas
Mother Charity Haas
OOP Date 2011/12/21
Color Mosaic
Genetics Father is a mosaic from non sterile lines, mother is a lion. She is minimally marked mosaic, possible lion.
Remarks Placed as a non breeder.
Inbred percentage 0.3067 %
Brothers and sisters
11 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Cupid -faith 2010/07/28 Mosaic Non-Sterile Lines
Cupid HHSG 2010/07/28 Mosaic Non-sterile lines
Cupid- HHSG 07-28-2010 Mosaic This glider was entered into database as Saraya Haas, name later changed to Cupid- HHSG.
Denim Haas 2011/04/05 White Faced Lion Dad is a mosaic, mother is a lion.
Huckleberry Finn (formerly Ruben James) 2011/08/18 Lion
Lace Haas 2011/04/05 White Faced Lion Father is a mosaic, mother is a lion.
Ryan Haas 2010/12/7 Mosaic Deceased due to bacterial infection. He has white feet, white hands, white face and a pretty ring tail. He has lion coloring (mom is a lion) Non Sterile Line
Sulivan 2010/07/28 Lion
Temperance YYYY/MM/DD White Faced Lion
Tina Haas 2013/02/16 Lion Father is non sterile line mosaic. Mother is Lion.
Topher Haas 2013/02/16 Mosaic Father is non sterile line mosaic. Mother is a lion.
Added by Dancing
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree