Name Lilo (click to view pedigree)
Owner Kristen Walkowski
Breeder Shanna Harding Rock N Roll Gliders
Gender Female
Father Dee Dee Ramone
Mother Layla Victoria Dooley-Harding
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 2011/10/18
Color Leucistic
Genetics Leucistic with possible WFB
Inbred percentage 4.8889 %
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Isabellahope-23 MM/DD/YYYY Leucistic
lil stitch 05/21/2016 Classic Grey
Mick 03/05/14 Leucistic 100% leu het
Mickey-23 MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Pearl-23 10/27/2013 Leucistic
riley tac 03/13/15 Leucistic
sassafras23 11/14/2014 Leucistic 100% Leucistic
Brothers and sisters
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Ace 2011/05/18 Leucistic Leu. w/poss. WFB
Chanel 2011/05/18 Leucistic Leu w/poss. WFB
Creepy Belle 2009/11/02 Leucistic Leu w/poss. WFB
Danzig 05/13/2012 Leucistic Leu. Possible WFB.
Jax 2011/05/18 White Face
Lou Lou 2010/02/27 Leucistic
Pammy 2010/06/10 White Face 66% LeuHet WFB
Added by Shanna Harding-Pfau
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree