Shelly Belly
Name Shelly Belly (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Shanna Harding Rock N Roll Gliders
Gender Female
Father Derek
Mother Layla Victoria Dooley-Harding
OOP Date 2009/09/26
Color White Face
Genetics 100% LeuHet 4th Gen. WFB, WT Het, 33% Cremino Het
Remarks Retired - in my pet only colony
Inbred percentage 0.0732 %
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Appa (Roxy Epoxy) 06/28/2013 Leucistic Leucistic, White Face Het, White Tip Het
Bella 2012/05/30 Leucistic het for wfb
Bing 12/24/2013 Mosaic Ring Tail, White Tip, WFB, 66% LeuHet, 16.5% Creme-inoHet
Sheena 06/28/2013 White Face 5th Gen. White Face, 66% Leu Het, WT Het
Brothers and sisters
Added by Shanna Harding-Pfau
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree